Results for 'Federico G. Neiburg'

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  1.  16
    On Heyting Algebras with Negative Tense Operators.Federico G. Almiñana, Gustavo Pelaitay & William Zuluaga - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (6):1015-1036.
    In this paper, we will study Heyting algebras endowed with tense negative operators, which we call tense H-algebras and we proof that these algebras are the algebraic semantics of the Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Galois Negations. Finally, we will develop a Priestley-style duality for tense H-algebras.
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    Posibilidad de una razón pública excluyente.Federico G. Abal - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (156):33-52.
    La concepción deliberativa de la democracia plantea algunas soluciones al desafío del pluralismo razonable. El hecho de que las personas estén divididas razonablemente por creencias omniabarcantes que reconocen como verdaderas y valiosas, establece inconvenientes en relación con la legitimidad de las decisiones políticas, su estabilidad y la justicia de las instituciones democráticas. Los teóricos de la democracia deliberativa resaltan la importancia del razonamiento público entre ciudadanos que se reconocen mutuamente como libres e iguales. Se analiza el componente normativo de este (...)
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  3. Interpretation Misunderstandings about Elementary Quantum Mechanics.Federico G. Lopez Armengol & Gustavo E. Romero - 2017 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 7:55--60.
    Quantum Mechanics is a fundamental physical theory about atomic-scale processes. It was built between 1920 and 1940 by the most distinguished physicists of that time. The accordance between the predictions of the theory and experimental results is remarkable. The physical interpretation of its mathematical constructs, however, raised unprecedented controversies. Ontological, semantic, and epistemic vagueness abound in the orthodox interpretations and have resulted in serious misunderstandings that are often repeated in textbooks and elsewhere. In this work, we identify, criticize, and clarify (...)
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    L'epicureismo in età imperiale: tra filosofia, retorica, medicina e teologia: nuove prospettive e ricerche.Federico G. Corsi (ed.) - 2022 - Roma: Lithos.
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    Diogenes of Oinoanda. Epicureanism and Philosophical Debates / Diogène d’Œnoanda. Épicurisme et Controverses. [REVIEW]Federico G. Corsi - 2017 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (1):179-184.
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  6. Cosmological Black Holes and the Direction of Time.Gustavo E. Romero, Federico G. López Armengol & Daniela Pérez - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):415-426.
    Macroscopic irreversible processes emerge from fundamental physical laws of reversible character. The source of the local irreversibility seems to be not in the laws themselves but in the initial and boundary conditions of the equations that represent the laws. In this work we propose that the screening of currents by black hole event horizons determines, locally, a preferred direction for the flux of electromagnetic energy. We study the growth of black hole event horizons due to the cosmological expansion and accretion (...)
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    Master in “Clinical Bioethics Consultation”: an Italian training program for Clinical Ethics Consultants.Federico Nicoli, Renzo Pegoraro, Antonio G. Spagnolo & Mario Picozzi - 2016 - International Journal of Ethics Education 2 (1):49-56.
    A Second level Master in “Clinical Bioethics Consultation” has been organized in Italy to offer an opportunity to offer an adequate training to carry out an ethics consultation in different health fields. The master has been promoted and realized by different institutions: Catholic University of Sacred Hearth in Rome, Insubria University in Varese, “Federico II” University in Naples, Lanza Foundation in Padua and the Local Health and Social Care Unit n.7 in Veneto Region. The aim of the master is (...)
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    A hyperintensional logical framework for deontic reasons.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Tudor Protopopescu - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):411-433.
    In this paper we argue that normative reasons are hyperintensional and put forward a formal account of this thesis. That reasons are hyperintensional means that a reason for a proposition does not imply that it is also a reason for a logically equivalent proposition. In the first part we consider three arguments for the hyperintensionality of reasons: an argument from the nature of reasons, an argument from substitutivity and an argument from explanatory power. In the second part we describe a (...)
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  9. Co‐Hyperintensionality.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2017 - Ratio 30 (3):270-287.
    Co-hyperintensionality, or hyperintensional equivalence, is a relation holding between two or more contents that can be substituted in a hyperintensional context salva veritate. I argue that two strategies used to provide criteria for co-hyperintensionality fail. I argue that there is no generalized notion of co-hyperintensionality that meets plausible desiderata, by showing that the opposite thesis leads to falsity. As a conclusion, I suggest to take co-hyperintensionality as a primitive and I provide a general criterion of co-hyperintensionality whose content depends on (...)
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  10.  16
    Sa voirs anthropologiques, administration des populations et construction de l'État.Benoît de L'estoile, Federico Neiburg & Lygia Sigaud - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (3-4):233-264.
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    Conditional Obligations in Justification Logic.Federico L. G. Faroldi, Atefeh Rohani & Thomas Studer - 2023 - In Helle Hvid Hansen, Andre Scedrov & Ruy J. G. B. De Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 178-193.
    This paper presents a justification counterpart for dyadic deontic logic, which is often argued to be better than Standard Deontic Logic at representing conditional and contrary-to-duty obligations, such as those exemplified by the notorious Chisholm’s puzzle. We consider the alethic-deontic system (E) and present the explicit version of this system (JE) by replacing the alethic Box-modality with proof terms and the dyadic deontic Circ-modality with justification terms. The explicit representation of strong factual detachment (SFD) is given and finally soundness and (...)
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  12.  70
    Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores some of Kit Fine's outstanding contributions to logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, and metaphysics, among others. Contributing authors address in-depth issues about truthmaker semantics, counterfactual conditionals, grounding, vagueness, non-classical consequence relations, and arbitrary objects, offering critical reflections and novel research contributions. Each chapter is accompanied by an extensive commentary, in which Kit Fine offers detailed responses to the ideas and themes raised by the contributors. The book includes a brief autobiography and exhaustive list of his (...)
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  13.  69
    Deontic modals and hyperintensionality.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):387-410.
    In this paper I argue that deontic modals are hyperintensional, i.e. logically equivalent contents cannot be substituted in their scope. I give two arguments, one deductive and the other abductive. First, I show that the contrary thesis leads to falsity; second, I argue that a hyperintensional theory of deontic modals fares better than its rivals in terms of elegance, theoretical simplicity and explanatory power. I then propose a philosophical analysis of this thesis and outline some consequences. In Section 1 I (...)
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  14.  35
    Partial Reasons.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2024 - Ratio Juris 37 (1):83-103.
    Partial reasons are considerations in favor of something that, taken individually, are not sufficient to establish an obligation. I consider the extent to which partial reasons are reasons, and why they cannot be reduced to or identified with pro tanto reasons. I lay out two approaches to the content of reasons, the flat theory and the structured theory. I argue that parts of reasons are not partial reasons, by showing that natural ways to represent parts of reasons in the flat (...)
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    Hyperintensionality and Normativity.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Presenting the first comprehensive, in-depth study of hyperintensionality, this book equips readers with the basic tools needed to appreciate some of current and future debates in the philosophy of language, semantics, and metaphysics. After introducing and explaining the major approaches to hyperintensionality found in the literature, the book tackles its systematic connections to normativity and offers some contributions to the current debates. The book offers undergraduate and graduate students an essential introduction to the topic, while also helping professionals in related (...)
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  16. Consistency and Permission in Deontic Justification Logic.Federico L. G. Faroldi, Meghdad Ghari, Eveline Lehmann & Thomas Studer - 2024 - Journal of Logic and Computation 34 (4):640-664.
    Different notions of the consistency of obligations collapse in standard deontic logic. In justification logics, which feature explicit reasons for obligations, the situation is different. Their strength depends on a constant specification and on the available set of operations for combining different reasons. We present different consistency principles in justification logic and compare their logical strength. We propose a novel semantics for which justification logics with the explicit version of axiom D, jd⁠, are complete for arbitrary constant specifications. Consistency is (...)
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  17. The Normative Structure of Responsibility.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2014 - College Publications.
    The Normative Structure of Responsibility deals with responsibility in legal, moral, and linguistic contexts. The book builds on conceptual analysis and data from everyday language, ethics, and the law in order to defend the thesis that responsibility is fundamentally normative, that is, it cannot be reduced to purely descriptive factors. The book is divided in three parts: the first part draws a conceptual map of various responsibility concepts, conceptions and conditions and their interaction with different kinds of rules; the second (...)
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  18.  14
    Desuetudo: A Game-Theoretic Approach.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (2):289-299.
    I suggest an account of desuetudo in game-theoretic terms. I argue that there is an asymmetry with consuetudo, because consuetudo cannot be fully captured by a game-theoretic analysis, while desuetudo, properly understood as a dynamic, diachronic process, can. A norm (not necessarily a consuetudo) ceases to exist because there’s no need anymore, in an interactive situation, to foster certain equilibria, even though the same norm which is going in desuetudo might not have emerged as a consuetudo. While this kind of (...)
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  19.  28
    Towards a Logic of Value and Disagreement via Imprecise Measures.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (2):131-149.
    After putting forward a formal account of value disagreement via imprecise measures, I develop a logic of value attribution and of agreement based on truthmaker semantics.
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  20.  25
    Is There a Frege-Geach Problem for Reasons?Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2023 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 304 (2):77-92.
    Le problème de Frege-Geach est un problème qui se pose pour les théories selon lesquelles les jugements normatifs n’ont pas de contenu cognitif, mais expriment plutôt des états mentaux non cognitifs. Dans cet article, je présente le problème de Frege-Geach ; j’examine certaines stratégies existantes pour l’aborder dans sa forme traditionnelle ; et je me demande enfin si un problème de Frege-Geach se pose pour les raisons, et si l’usage des raisons peut mener à une solution. J’esquisse une réponse positive (...)
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  21.  8
    Subtracting Reasons in Normative Domains.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):139-163.
    Practical reasons can be aggregated to decide what one ought to do. This paper explores an operation that undoes aggregation: subtraction. I consider several distinctions concerning subtraction: subtracting content and subtracting strength; and subtracting one reason from one other reason or from a set of reasons. I put forward a precise understanding of subtracting the content of one reason from another, based on an operation of difference on a state-like, structured notion of content. Finally, I apply my approach to subtracting (...)
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  22.  12
    Introduction: Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte (eds.), Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-12.
    Kit Fine’s contribution to logic is vast and diverse; the chapters in this book deal with a significant part of it. In this introductory chapter, we clarify and contextualize the main themes of Fine’s work that are centre stage in this book, after which we give a summary of each chapter.
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    Context, engagement, and the functions of negativity bias.Christopher M. Federico, Christopher D. Johnston & Howard G. Lavine - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):311-312.
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  24. Outstanding Contributions to Logic: Kit Fine.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  25. Ethical copula, negation, and responsibility judgments: Prior’s contribution to the philosophy of normative language.Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2016 - Synthese 193 (11):3441-3448.
    Prior’s arguments for and against seeing ‘ought’ as a copula and his considerations about normative negation are applied to the case of responsibility judgments. My thesis will be that responsibility judgments, even though often expressed by using the verb ‘to be’, are in fact normative judgments. This is shown by analyzing their negation, which parallels the behavior of ought negation.
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    Risk and artificial general intelligence.Federico L. G. Faroldi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is said to pose many risks, be they catastrophic, existential and otherwise. This paper discusses whether the notion of risk can apply to AGI, both descriptively and in the current regulatory framework. The paper argues that current definitions of risk are ill-suited to capture supposed AGI existential risks, and that the risk-based framework of the EU AI Act is inadequate to deal with truly general, agential systems.
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  27. Fallacia deontica. From "ought" to "is".Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (3):413–418.
  28.  40
    Moral adjectives, judge-dependency and holistic multidimensionality.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Andrés Soria Ruiz - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (7):887-916.
    ABSTRACT In recent experimental work, the spectrum-like nature of the phenomenon of ordering subjectivity has been accounted for by recourse to the distinction, within the class of subjective adjectives, between multi-dimensional and judge-dependent ones. One way to cash out judge-dependency is in terms of some kind of experiencer-sensitivity. In this paper, we argue that this approach is insufficient. Applying Solt’s experimental paradigm to moral adjectives suggests that, within the class of judge-dependent adjectives, one must draw a further distinction between experiential (...)
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  29.  11
    Generic reasoning: A programmatic sketch.Federico L. G. Faroldi - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    A single significant instance may support general conclusions, with possible exceptions being tolerated. This is the case in practical human reasoning (e.g. moral and legal normativity: general rules tolerating exceptions), in theoretical human reasoning engaging with external reality (e.g. empirical and social sciences: the use of case studies and model organisms) and in abstract domains (possibly mind-unrelated, e.g. pure mathematics: the use of arbitrary objects). While this has been recognized in modern times, such a process is not captured by current (...)
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  30. Review of "The Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics". [REVIEW]Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2013 - Philosophical Inquiries 1.
  31.  18
    G.R. BOYS-STONES-J.H. HAUBOLD(eds.),Plato and Hesiod, Oxford University Press 2010.Federico Petrucci - 2010 - Elenchos 31 (1):169-176.
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  32. An Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Permission and Obligation.Albert J. J. Anglberger, Johannes Korbmacher & Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2016 - In Olivier Roy, Allard Tamminga & Malte Willer (eds.), Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. London, UK: College Publications. pp. 16-31.
    We develop an exact truthmaker semantics for permission and obligation. The idea is that with every singular act, we associate a sphere of permissions and a sphere of requirements: the acts that are rendered permissible and the acts that are rendered required by the act. We propose the following clauses for permissions and obligations: -/- - a singular act is an exact truthmaker of Pφ iff every exact truthmaker of φ is in the sphere of permissibility of the act, and (...)
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  33. Bilingualism and Aging: Implications for (Delaying) Neurocognitive Decline.Federico Gallo, Vincent DeLuca, Yanina Prystauka, Toms Voits, Jason Rothman & Jubin Abutalebi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    As a result of advances in healthcare, the worldwide average life expectancy is steadily increasing. However, this positive trend has societal and individual costs, not least because greater life expectancy is linked to higher incidence of age-related diseases, such as dementia. Over the past few decades, research has isolated various protective “healthy lifestyle” factors argued to contribute positively to cognitive aging, e.g., healthy diet, physical exercise and occupational attainment. The present article critically reviews neuroscientific evidence for another such factor, i.e., (...)
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    “A doutrina da ciência nos seus contornos gerais. Exposto por J. G. Fichte”. Tradução e comentário.Federico Ferraguto - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (55):233-258.
    O texto consiste na primeira tradução em português da lição final do curso sobre a doutrina da ciência que J.G. Fichte ministra no semestre de inverno de 1810, na recém fundada Universidade de Berlim, e é o único texto dedicado à doutrina da ciência in specie que Fichte publica após a Fundação da doutrina da ciência, nas suas duas edições de 1794 e de 1802. O comentário anexo à tradução apresenta de modo sintético e argumentado os pontos mais significativos do (...)
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  35. Public Health Policies: Philosophical Perspectives Between Science and Democracy.Federico Boem & Matteo Galletti - 2021 - Humana Mente 14 (40).
    COVID19 pandemic has clarified that public health policies are central for the future of human societies from several perspectives. As a matter of fact, they are based on certain premises that are practical-political (e.g., ensuring the health of citizens), moral (e.g., health is a value), or epistemological (e.g., certain ideas concerning expertise and shared knowledge). Indeed, effective policies require first and foremost not only to be based on reliable data and models (i.e., so-called evidence-based policy) but also to ensure that (...)
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    Electroencephalographic Correlates of Sensorimotor Integration and Embodiment during the Appreciation of Virtual Architectural Environments.Giovanni Vecchiato, Gaetano Tieri, Andrea Jelic, Federico De Matteis, Anton G. Maglione & Fabio Babiloni - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Escepticismo e idealismo en la “Prueba del mundo exterior” de G.E. Moore.Federico Burdman - 2015 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 27 (1):45-67.
    G.E. Moore’s argument in “Proof of an External World” seems to beg the question against the skeptic and to miss the point of the challenge posed by skeptical hypotheses. I propose an interpretation that frees the argument from both charges. Starting from a distinction between the way Moore understood his dialectical position against the idealist and the skeptic, I attempt to illuminate the conception of skepticism that lies behind his argument. I propose that the argument’s core is found in a (...)
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    Filosofare prima della filosofia: il problema dell'introduzione alla dottrina della scienza di J.G. Fichte.Federico Ferraguto - 2010 - New York: G. Olms.
    Europaea Memoria, Reihe I: Studien, Band77.
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  39. On the ethics of facial transplantation research.Osborne P. Wiggins, John H. Barker, Serge Martinez, Marieke Vossen, Claudio Maldonado, Federico V. Grossi, Cedric G. Francois, Michael Cunningham, Gustavo Perez-Abadia, Moshe Kon & Joseph C. Banis - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):1 – 12.
    Transplantation continues to push the frontiers of medicine into domains that summon forth troublesome ethical questions. Looming on the frontier today is human facial transplantation. We develop criteria that, we maintain, must be satisfied in order to ethically undertake this as-yet-untried transplant procedure. We draw on the criteria advanced by Dr. Francis Moore in the late 1980s for introducing innovative procedures in transplant surgery. In addition to these we also insist that human face transplantation must meet all the ethical requirements (...)
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  40. La filosofia giuridica di G.B.Vico nella lettura di Giovanni Ambrosetti.Federico Reggio - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3 (3):461-480.
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    The Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current Stimulation on Neuropathic Pain in Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Neurophysiological Assessment.Eliana Berra, Roberto Bergamaschi, Roberto De Icco, Carlotta Dagna, Armando Perrotta, Marco Rovaris, Maria Grazia Grasso, Maria G. Anastasio, Giovanna Pinardi, Federico Martello, Stefano Tamburin, Giorgio Sandrini & Cristina Tassorelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Response to Selected Commentaries on the AJOB Target Article “On the Ethics of Facial Transplantation Research”.Joseph C. Banis, John H. Barker, Michael Cunningham, Cedric G. Francois, Allen Furr, Federico Grossi, Moshe Kon, Claudio Maldonado, Serge Martinez, Gustavo Perez-Abadia, Marieke Vossen & Osborne P. Wiggins - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W23-W31.
    Main Response Topics ? Introduction ? Open display and public evaluation ? Publicity versus patient privacy ? Facial tissue donation ? Validity of Louisville Instrument for Risk Acceptance ? Patients' understanding of risk ? Face versus hand transplantation ? Rejection rates/risks ? Patient compliance ? Exit strategy ? Functional recovery ? Societietal implications ? Psychological implications ? Conclusion: Uncertainty likely to persist.
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    Caregivers and Family Members’ Vulnerability in End-of-Life Decision-Making: An Assessment of How Vulnerability Shapes Clinical Choices and the Contribution of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Federico Nicoli, Alessandra Agnese Grossi & Mario Picozzi - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):14.
    Patient-and-family-centered care (PFCC) is critical in end-of-life (EOL) settings. PFCC serves to develop and implement patient care plans within the context of unique family situations. Key components of PFCC include collaboration and communication among patients, family members and healthcare professionals (HCP). Ethical challenges arise when the burdens (e.g., economic, psychosocial, physical) of family members and significant others do not align with patients’ wishes. This study aims to describe the concept of vulnerability and the ethical challenges faced by HCPs in these (...)
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    La afirmación del “Yo” en la locura del Quijote de Unamuno: una mirada desde ortodoxia de Chesterton.Federico José García Larrain - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (1):119-126.
    Miguel de Unamuno celebra la locura del Quijote como una afirmación del “yo” en su Vida de don Quijote y Sancho. Para G.K. Chesterton la afirmación radical del “yo” es el elemento fundamental de la locura, pero no algo para ser celebrado. Para Chesterton la locura del Quijote no está tanto en la afirmación de su propio “yo” sino en la afirmación de una realidad olvidada, invisible para quienes se han acostumbrado a vivir en un mundo que ha perdido el (...)
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  45. Toleration and informal groups: How does the formal dimension affect groups' capacity to tolerate?Federico Zuolo - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (3):288-305.
    The ‘agents’ of toleration can be divided into three categories: public institutions, groups and individuals. If it is mostly accepted that both public institutions and individuals are capable of toleration, it is not clear that such a capacity can be attributed to groups, although in daily discourse we seem ready to say that a certain social group is (in)tolerant. This article aims to address this issue by investigating the relationship between collective agency and social groups. Formal groups (e.g. corporations) have (...)
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    A reflexão sobre a natureza e o problema da aplicação: entre realismo racional e filosofia transcendental.Federico Ferraguto - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (2).
    O artigo trata da relação entre pensamento transcendental, aplicação e natureza nas reflexões de G. Bardili, K. L. Reinhold e J. G. Fichte, entre 1799 e 1801. Após uma primeira discussão das críticas à filosofia transcendental formuladas por Reinhold e Bardili, são analisados os pressupostos da filosofia da natureza apresentada no Grundriss bardiliano e avaliada a expansão que aí opera a fenomenologia concebida por Reinhold no IV tomo dos Beyträge zur leichtern Übersicht des Zustandes der Philosophie beym Anfänge des 19. (...)
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    Sacrifício e individualidade: Lask leitor de Fichte.Federico Ferraguto - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (4):125-156.
    Resumo: O artigo trata da relação entre individualidade e valor, na filosofia transcendental, a partir de uma análise da interpretação da filosofia de J. G. Fichte dada por Emil Lask, no livro publicado em 1903, Fichtes Idealismus und die Geschichte. O artigo visa a mostrar como a radicalização do transcendentalismo o orienta a um realismo não empírico, o qual impede ao transcendentalismo de realizar-se exclusivamente na forma da investigação autorreflexiva das estruturas da consciência e o traduz em uma valorização da (...)
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    Generic Language for Social and Animal Kinds: An Examination of the Asymmetry Between Acceptance and Inferences.Federico Cella, Kristan A. Marchak, Claudia Bianchi & Susan A. Gelman - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (12):e13209.
    Generics (e.g., “Ravens are black”) express generalizations about categories or their members. Previous research found that generics about animals are interpreted as broadly true of members of a kind, yet also accepted based on minimal evidence. This asymmetry is important for suggesting a mechanism by which unfounded generalizations may flourish; yet, little is known whether this finding extends to generics about groups of people (heretofore, “social generics”). Accordingly, in four preregistered studies (n = 665), we tested for an inferential asymmetry (...)
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    P. Destrée, F.-G. Herrmann (eds.), Plato and the Poets, (‘Mnemosyne Supplements. Monographs on Greek and Latin Language and Literature’ 328), Brill, Leiden-Boston 2011, pp. 434. [REVIEW]Federico M. Petrucci - 2012 - Méthexis 25 (1):174-180.
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  50.  54
    Regla de la mayoría, democracia deliberativa E igualdad política.Federico Arcos Ramírez - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:13-36.
    E l conflict o entr e l a democraci a a g r e gat iva (basad a e n e l v alo r igualitari o d e l a r e gla d e l a m a y oría ) y l a deliberat iva (centrad a e n l a fuerz a epistémic a de l mejo r a r gumento) constitu ye un a d e la s principale s tensione s d e l a (...)
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